here GSG leaders’ jerseys of 40° Giro del Trentino, just completed

Great battles and a Super Winner of the 40th Giro del Trentino. The spanish rider, first time in tour history, Mikel Landa – Sky team – won the Giro for just 2 second after the second stage win in a row of a never tamed Kangert – Astana team – which ended in second in overall. Other winners of the leader jerseys were: Mikel Landa – Sky team  – won also green jersey of best climber; Egan Arlery Bernal Gomez – Androni team – GSG white jersey for best Young Rider and  Antonio Molina –  Caja Rural team – red jesrsey for Intermediate sprint. Yellow jersey for most combative of day won by italian champion Antonio Nibali – Astana team.

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